

Titre : Qualité de la gouvernance des coopératives dépargne et de crédit au Cameroun : l’apport du Conseil des Sages

Auteur (s) : Sabine Patricia Moungou Mbenda, Edson Niyonsaba Sebigunda, William Takam

Abstract :

The governance of MFIs is a key to the success of their mission. This article aims to analyze the role of specific governance mechanisms, in particular the Council of Elders (CE), on the quality of Crédit Union governance. Thanks to the principal component analysis, we constructed the governance quality index from the indicators of each governance mechanism (conventional mechanisms and specific mechanisms). The results reveal that the quality of governance index (QGI) of the Cameroonian Credit Union built is low. It also shows that the CE contributes the most to the improvement of the QGI, followed by the board of directors; which confirms the thesis of the complementarity of specific mechanisms (particularly CE) and conventional mechanisms of governance.

Editeur : RECOSH

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